Thursday, November 6, 2008

One Month!

"Cool just like daddy"
My baby is a month old! I can't believe how fast time goes by. He is getting so big too. I took him into the doctor on Tuesday because I was afraid he had Thrush, which he does, and he weighed in at 9 lbs. I can't believe he is that big. As for the Thrush, we caught it really early and so it has already cleared up, we just have to continue the medicine for a few more days. Our time with McCoy for the last few weeks has been so fun. He is typically a very happy baby. Not too difficult until he got the thrush but he is already back to normal. He likes to lay on the floor and talk. He tries so hard and it is so cute when he coos. He has been smiling since he was 2 weeks old. He also thinks he is so strong and likes to hold his head up to look around when you hold him. He is a good sleeper so far. He is definitely a binki baby. He recognizes the voices of Mom, Dad, Grandma McGuire, Grandpa McGuire and Aunt Ju Ju. The other day as Grandma was holding him I walked up to say hi to him. The second that he focused on my face I got the biggest smile. That just melts my heart. He definitely loves his dad and gives him lots of smiles. He loves his swing, and I love his swing! Today he found the mirror that is directly above him and he was smiling and talking to himself all morning. We are so grateful to have this little blessing in our lives. We love you McCoy!

Showing how strong he thinks he is, holding up his head.

If you touch him at all he throws his arms out like this.

Smiling at himself in the mirror.


Erica said...

cute pictures! I just love that little guy!

Kristina said...

cute cute pictures. He is adorable. Being a mom is the greatest,and when they call you mom for the first time just makes you cry with joy.

Karl & Leslie said...

He is so stinkin cute! I want to hold him and suggle him. I miss everyone:( He is a lucky baby to have a good mommy and dady!:) Love you guys!

Melinda said...

hey congrats!! how awesome to have your little guy here! I found your blog through Laura's so hope it's ok that I look! We have a blog too but it's private so email me at and I will send you an invite if you want!

Ryan, Natalie and kids said...

Congrats on the baby and I'm so sorry about the delivery...yuck! He is adorable and I hope you're feeling a little better. It does get easier every month!

Brittany said...

Jody and I were just checking you guys out. You all look great, especially McCoy with that great smile. We can't believe how early he started smiling and cooing too. He will probably say his first words early too. We want to see you guys soon and hold that cute little guy.