Monday, June 9, 2008

24 Weeks & Ultrasound

Today we went in for another ultrasound. I'm 24 weeks and getting bigger each day, as you can tell by the following picture. Everything looks great with Baby Boy. He weighs 1 lb 7 oz right now, which is a few ounces bigger than most babies at this time. We definitely had a growth spurt this week, guess he's going to be a big one. He let us see his face for a little while this time so we got a nice profile shot. Although when we went in to get a 3D picture of his face he decided it was time to put his arm back up. Once again he wasn't at all shy about the fact that he is a boy. We definitely are not concerned that the sex may be wrong! It was so fun to see him again. I'm lucky because I get to see him every 4 weeks, I feel spoiled. While we were trying to get the 3D photo he kept moving his face around like he was mad we were pushing on him and then he started kicking me, obviously requesting we stop. I already love his little personality.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just For Fun!

I have a few random pictures that I thought I would post.

This is my nephew Brody. He is such a funny guy! A couple of weeks ago Bob, Erica, and Brody came over to watch the American Idol finale with us. We know to pick up Cede's dog food so Brody doesn't eat it but we really haven't noticed him do anything with her water dish. Well he was kind of quiet for a while so I turned around to find this. We were laughing so hard. He keep pulling his foot out and putting it back in and making this face. It was hard to capture the face because he would quickly turn to look at his mom so the picture is kind of fuzzy but so cute! He is always doing the funniest things.

This is just an update from a post I did a while back about the nest on our front door. Well we left it there and the bird laid 6 eggs. The eggs have hatched and we have been able to hear the little birdies. Today when I came home I noticed that they birds are getting big enough that I could see some of their heads out of the top of the nest. It is so cute. We are also happy to know that this means they will be flying away soon. We have had a sign out front for about a month that says "Caution. Bird nesting on front door. Please come to garage door." I know, crazy.

I also wanted to let everyone know that my baby loves me. I was concerned because I hadn't felt him very much. I found out that my placenta is in front and it has been masking me feeling the baby move very much. On Sunday in the middle of Sacrament meeting he kicked me for the first time. It was very exciting! I still don't feel him constantly but I'm feeling him more and more every day. I've tried to have Jeff feel but I guess baby isn't strong enough for him to feel the kicks yet. It's just another thing that makes being pregnant so much fun!