Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm slightly behind on posting. McCoy is 10 weeks old today. On December 5th he had his 2 month well-check appointment. He weighed in at 10 lbs. 10 oz. He was 22 1/4 inches long and his head circumference was 15.5 cm. He is just a little guy but to us he has gotten so big! The doctor says that he is growing really well though. With the chubby cheeks he has gotten I can't imagine that he wouldn't be gaining weight well. We also switched to a different medicine for his reflux. The Axid was helping but the Prevacid is working so much better. I have my baby back finally.

For the last 2 weeks we have been having a hard time napping. Just after his morning feeding he takes a pretty good nap for 2 to 3 hours. The rest of the day is a different story. As long as I'm holding him he will sleep. I will lay him down and within 15-30 minutes he wakes up. I have tried laying him in different places, putting him back to sleep and laying him down again. But each time he does the same thing. Does anyone have any advice? It makes it very hard to get much done during the day. The only time I can do things around the house is when he is playing. Now with that said he has been a champ at sleeping at night. On his usual nights he wakes up 1 or 2 times a night. On Wednesday night he woke up about 7 times and that was really hard for me. Lucky me Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night he has slept the entire night. I lay him down at 9 and he wakes up at 8. It is crazy, but oh so nice. Who knows it might be a faze but I'm loving it!

McCoy loves his bath time. It is a nice end to the day. He has been starting to figure out his hands and arms. While I change his diaper he will sit and stare at his arm and move it around. He has even started to hit his toys on his play mat on purpose. One of his new favorite things to do is suck on his fist. He does it during his entire bath. He enjoys laying on his play mat which has this fun star that flashes different colors and plays music. He loves his bouncy seat which also lights up and plays music but his favorite part is the dog face on it. He is growing up so quickly!

It snowed a lot these last 2 days. I was a little nervous about how Cede would react to the snow. Living in St. George she really hasn't seen much snow and she definitely hasn't had to go out in the snow to go potty. She was a little tentative in the beginning but then she just started running through it. She looked like she was chasing something. We figure that the snow must fly up as she runs so she thinks she really is chasing something. It is so cute to see her come in with her legs and face covered in snow! She also has found a new favorite treat, peanuts. As you can see in the picture she has found someone that will happily give her some!

As you can tell most of my life revolves around McCoy. It is wonderful. I love being a mom and never knew I could love my baby this much. I have been out and gotten most of my Christmas shopping done. Julianne has been a great shopping companion! Jeff has of course been working. He has had a lot to do at work this week and we are happy that he has finished up the presentation he was working on. McCoy lights up the second he sees Jeff. I have to say Jeff is one of his favorite people, Jeff can get him talking! Jeff has also been spending a lot of time wrapping gifts. He is so much better at it than I am. So I label and put a bow on top. I do have to wrap Jeff's presents though. We are very excited for Christmas to be here. I know it won't be very exciting for McCoy this year but it is exciting for us to have McCoy for Christmas this year. He is the best gift we will receive this year. I'm also so happy that we live up north close to all of our family this year. We aren't missing out on family parties because of the weather or work. It is great!


Kristina said...

He is so cute. That is great he sleeps threw the night,you are so LUCKY. My boys didn't do that until one was 2 1/2 and one was 1 1/2. Most say that if they sleep as a baby that they learn to stick with that, so maybe you'll be lucky and it wont be a faz...
So about nap time, I hear you sister, because my two both did the same thing,and I finally just learned to deal with it and yes it gets frustrating when they don't let you put them down,so I just had to let the laundry sit an dishes and just enjoy that time holding them,cuz when they get older...AAAAAAAAAAA,you pray for those days with love.
He is adorable,and what a great thing for Christmas..
Merry Christmas..

The Desatoff Family said...

Oh Natalie, he is precious. How exciting to have a new little baby for Christmas :) AS for the napping issues, I don't have any solutions! I just wanted to tell you about my experience to make you feel lucky :) Adam catnapped (15-20 min at a time) until he was 6 months old. If I held him, he would sleep longer, but I couldn't just sit on the couch all day! And as for sleeping through the night - you are so LUCKY! At 6 months, we got Adam sleeping through the night and taking regular naps. So, sometimes you just have to endure. But really, if the worst part is that you have to hold your baby all day long, what's wrong with that? :) Soon, he will be running and you'll wish for these snuggly days :) Hope your Christmas is wonderful!
Lots of love -

Kohler said...

I know you've been taught differently your whole life, but try putting him down on his tummy to sleep - just once, at least. When my kids quit napping at that age, my mom-in-law started putting them down on their tummies. I was furious, but it worked and they'd sleep. Then I realized that I'd rather them sleep on their tummies than not at all. Can you blame them? Both their parents are tummy sleepers too. I think they also feel like they're still being cuddled. Besides, I survived sleeping on my tummy.

Brittany said...

He is such a cute little boy! Prevacid saved my life with Gracie! She stopped screaming 20 hours a day and went to sleep at night. The day we picked up that prescription was a happy day for our family! I'm glad it's working for McCoy too! He's so precious. Keep the pictures coming! Your little dog is cute too. Jody and I hope you three have a very Merry Christmas!

Kristina said...

I am starting a WW weight loss blog, but it will be private so if I can get your e-mail address I will add you. My friend joined WW and started a private blog as away to track her own progress. She said it has really helped her stay focus,so I thought I would start one of my own...
I have been doing WW for a week and have my first weigh in,in the morning..I did the on line sign up and it's awesome and so helpful,and I like it better then writting it all down on paper.
Keep me posted how it goes.