Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow, I'm pretty lame about keeping up with posts. I'm officially 30 weeks today. Exciting! It is crazy that the baby will be here in 10 weeks. It seems like a ways away but also so close! I don't know that I'm ready yet. So here is an updated picture of the belly. Not my favorite but I didn't feel like doing my hair this morning so this is what I get.

On to baby. I had an ultrasound on the 11th and baby is great. Just a few days before I noticed that the kicking of my bladder had suddenly stopped and come to find out he has decided to turn head down. It is crazy how much more I can feel him kick because his legs are now up high. I can tell that the room in there is getting small because I am feeling all movements. Knees and feet along the front of my tummy are a constant. So far no kicking of the ribs but I still have 10 weeks for that. At the ultrasound he was weighing 2 lbs 7 oz. He is right where he should be. I'm feeling pretty good too. By the end of the day I am uncomfortable and my body starts to ache but I feel that is normal.

As for other things that have been going on. We are pretty boring. A couple of weeks ago I was eating grapes and Jeff decided to see how many he could fit in his gigantic mouth. He ended up with 28 although he tells me he could fit more if I hadn't eaten the rest.

Bill, Jacee and Kenslee came into town for a while. It was really nice to see them and spend some time together. Mostly we just ate and went swimming with them. Kens is so cute! It amazes me how big she gets every time I see her. Kris and the kids came up that week for a few days. We all went swimming over at Bracken's parent's house. They are so nice to let us use their pool!
Kenslee helping me make a cake

Erica, Peter, Ju Ju and Brody

Emma Kate

Our ward split just over a week ago. It was time. The ward had reached 700 members so it was getting a little to large. The fun news is that we were placed in the New ward so my mom is no longer the Relief Society President. The other fun news is that my dad is the new Bishop. I'm just glad that he is just now my Bishop and wasn't when I was in high school! So we are adjusting to having the phone ring off the hook for Relief Society calls to the phone ringing off the hook for Bishop calls. We are happy for him though, he'll be a great Bishop.

That is about all that is going on right now. Hopefully we'll do something fun so I can update this more often. Sorry for the 6 weeks of slacking!


Ashley said...

Yep you are still the most adorable pregnant gal!! How do you stay looking so cute even without doing your hair? I seriously blimped out by this point.

Brittany said...
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Brittany said...

There is NOTHING boring about stuffing 28 grapes in your mouth. Wow...that is talent! :)

And You do look so Adorable. Isn't it so fun to feel the baby kick? Keep the pictures coming...because you look good enough to post everyday.

Brandi said...

Natalie, you look so cute pregnant! You are just as beautiful as always. I can't believe you are almost due. Hopefully the next 6 weeks will fly by for you!