Sunday, February 3, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering...

This is what Jeff and I look like as M&Ms. Become an M&M here.


Erica said...

Funny you posted that because I really was wondering what you guys would look like as M&M's! HA!! You're hilarious! I want to transform us too! You guys are HOT!

Jefe said...

The funny thing is... I actually like to walk around wearing only a hat and shoes. I even like to play my guitar like that. Nat hit the nail on the head!

Erickson Family said...

So...after reading all your fun adventures... I want to blog too!! Once I find the time, I will try to get my family blog up and running! I'll be contacting you shortly!

Poelmans said...

you sure make a good looking M&M nat!